E-Learning Day Information

Distance-Learning Day Information and Bus Food Delivery Schedules

Please read

CCS Parents,

Central City School will be conducting Distance Learning or E-Learning Days for all of our students starting on Tuesday, March 17th and running through Monday, March 30th.  As we get closer to the March 30th date, the State will provide us with additional information regarding when our students will be able to return to the building for regular school days.

Until that time, our staff will be providing students with on-line OR paper and pencil activities to do at home.  These lessons will be delivered in various formats (worksheets, videos, on-line worksheets, required readings, interactive websites, on-line tests and quizzes, etc...).  If your child(ren) have access to an internet connected device, then they should be able to log on to our school website in order to see what their lessons are for each day.  If your child does not have internet access, then we will have packets available for those students.  These packets will contain 5 days’ worth of lessons for each student.  Lessons will cover, Math, Reading, English Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Spelling, & PE/Health.  Not every subject may be covered every day, but lessons will cover these core subject areas during the week. Weekly lesson packets can be picked up in our school gymnasium during the day.  They will be located on one of the white tables in the gym.  Grade level packets will be clearly marked.

Teachers will be available from 10 AM to 12 Noon on Monday through Friday to try and answer student’s questions and to try and provide guidance, explanation and feedback to the greatest extent possible in regard to the lessons.  Communications between students and staff will be monitored and they can take the form of E-mails, phone calls, Class Dojo or other electronic communications.  Communications between students and staff will pertain only to the lessons that are presented and they must address school issues only.